Activities and Groups
Trinity Choir
The Trinity Choir sings every Sunday throughout the year. All are welcome to join! Choir meets in the sanctuary on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., and from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. during Lent.
Contact: Dan Hansen
The Trinity Quilters meet together in the basement of the sanctuary every Tuesday promptly at 9:00 a.m. and go until noon, with a coffee and conversation break in between. There is chair elevator access to the basement for those who require aid navigating stairs. Experience ranges from expert to novice. Projects include quilts for Island residents who are ill or in special need, a gift quilt for each graduating H.S. senior, and quilts for overseas relief. Last year, 130 quilts were packed by the quilters for delivery overseas by Lutheran World Relief. The quilters also meet on Friday mornings to sew school kits for Lutheran World Relief. Donations of school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, etc. are appreciated!
Contact: Barb O’Connell or Jim Rose
The Knitters gather in the library each Monday throughout the year from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Come and learn some new skills from other participants. There is lots of pretty yarn to work with, too, thanks to a generous community member. The group produces Prayer Shawls for Pastor to give to various Island residents. The Knitters also bring in personal projects and share skills and tips with one another.
Contact: Donna Benson
Women of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Women of Trinity engage in a number of charitable projects throughout the Island, the state, the nation, and the world, including but not limited to: N.E.W. Community Shelter, Green Bay; Altrusa International; Guatemala Medical Relief Mission; Quilts of Valor; Washington Island Community Health Program (WICHP); and Lutheran World Relief. They also provide Equal Exchange and SERRV sales of coffee, tea, and chocolate, helping Third-World growers earn fair prices for their produce. The group’s primary fund raiser is the Fall Harvest Dinner. All are welcome to join.
Contact: Cindra Hokkanen
Funeral Luncheon Helpers
Various members and friends volunteer for one month or more during the year to assist with hospitality and a meal on the day of a funeral. The Women of the Church provide hot dishes, salads, and desserts; families may also make arrangements with the local grocery store or local caterers if they wish. This is a well-appreciated time of condolences and fellowship for the grieving family, friends, and community.
Contact: Joan Hansen at or 920.847.2341 or 920.35.0128
Harvest Dinner
On the second weekend of October, Trinity's Women of the Church holds their Fall Harvest Dinner to benefit their various mission projects. It is typically on Indigenous People’s weekend, in conjunction with the Island's Harvest Weekend. The meal is a full Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the trimmings, including pie. There are various table settings throughout the late afternoon and evening. Bring your appetite and bring your friends. No reservations taken before Labor Day; call the church for the contact person to make reservations.
Wednesday High School Breakfast
High School students gather every Monday throughout the school year in the Fellowship Hall at 7:15 a.m. for a delicious hot breakfast cooked by Trinity members. Come and find out how to start your day off right…with Monkey Bread, espresso, and smoothies! Open to all Island 9th – 12th Graders and their friends. The breakfasts follow the school calendar.
Contact: Melinda Ellefson or Marlene Mann
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild maintain and beautify the sanctuary for regular and special worship services behind the scenes. They also transform the altar area at the close of Maundy Thursday’s evening service during Holy Week and the beginning of the Easter morning service. The Altar Guild arranges for altar flowers, sets up and cleans up communion, changes the altar linens and seasonal paraments, fills the candles and baptismal font, and cares for the altar linens. They always welcome donations for flowers throughout the year. All are welcome to serve.
Contact: Mary Lynn Andersen
Advent Worship
At 6:30 p.m. on the four Wednesday evenings before Christmas, join us for a restful worship time of re-energization and focus on the wonder of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. That God would choose to be one of us is a wonder and a joy.
Contact: or call 920.847.2341 for more information.
Lenten Worship
On the five Wednesday evenings in Lent, we celebrate Jesus’ abiding love for us. Join us for this wonderful holy time. 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Contact: or call 920.847.2341 for more information.
Soup and Bread
What do you do in the winter evenings when you want to spend time together with friendly people? If it’s Wednesday at 5:30 p.m., come join us at Soup and Bread. From January through Holy Week, island people gather for meals of soup and bread. Come alone; bring your family and friends; volunteer to bring a double batch of soup or two loaves of bread. Come and enjoy. All are welcome to come and be fed.
Contact: Melinda Ellefson
Christian Youth Education
Hand in Hand (3 & 4 year olds)
The youngest members of the Island community gather for Hand in Hand every second Tuesday during the school year from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.. They gather in the Fellowship hall for a snack, a story, a puppet show, and a craft. Each month revolves around a theme which relates to sharing God’s love, human goodness, and life values.
Contact: Jackie Rader
Gather 'Round (Kindergarten – 6th graders)
The grade schoolers and middle schoolers arrive every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 3:45 – 5:00, following the public school calendar. Each grade gathers in the various classrooms and the library to share stories and learn about the life and word of Jesus. All students and guests are welcome. We feature a grace-filled, Christ-centered set of lessons. Contact: Administrator Barb O’Connell
Pastor teaches confirmation for young people in 6th-8th grade. Contact him if you and your family are interested.
Bible Study
Pastor leads two Bible studies a week - one on Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m., held in the church library; and a Zoom study on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. Contact Pastor or the church office for the Zoom invitation and reading materials if you are interested!
Ted and LouAnn Jessen Foundation
The Ted and LouAnn Jessen Foundation began through a generous donation from the Jessen family, as a means to fund out of budget items of Christian ministry in the congregation, the wider Island community, and the world. The group meets quarterly to consider fund distributions.
Contact: Don Benson, chairperson or Carolyn Foss
New Member Classes
Ever wonder where those different bits in the worship services came from? Or why Christmas is always December 25, but Easter day jumps between the end of March and mid-April every other year? From time to time throughout the year, we hold classes to orient interested friends and members to Lutheran ways of Christianity and the workings of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. All are welcome to attend.
Contact: or Pastor Ed at
Washington Island Community Health Program (WICHP) - Office and services located at Trinity. For more information about services and support, contact Administrator E’lise Haller at 920.847.2108 , or find us on Facebook.
Additional WICHP resources also provided at Trinity:
Neighbor to Neighbor medical equipment loan closet. Contact E’lise Haller 920.847.2108
Chiropractic services. Contact Anne Emerson, DC, for information and appointments. 920.868.9280
Washington Island Food Pantry. Distribution once a month for qualifying individuals and families. There is a pick as you need shelf outside of the pantry in between distributions if needed. For more information, including qualifying, making donations, or volunteering, call Dan Westbrook (920-847-2540) or Amy Rose at (920-847-2229).