On Sunday, September 17th at 5:00 p.m., Trinity will be hosting a Hymn Sing for the community. Joan Reynolds has agreed to play the piano to accompany some of the hymns in her own special style. Trinity musicians Dan Hansen and Diane Kahlscheuer will also assist with providing accompaniment on piano and organ. A potluck meal will follow the Hymn Sing in the Fellowship Hall at approximately 6:00 p.m.
If you are interested in attending the Hymn Sing, we would love to have you provide the names of hymns that you would like to sing on the 17th. There are forms in the narthex for you to fill out and put in the box provided there, or you can contact Dan or Judy Baseman directly with your choices. Any hymns that are not selected for the 17th will be incorporated into future worship services and/or at October’s Hymn Sing on October 15th. Thank you!